

Systems      Defines      Protection

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Server-Side Protection: Extend your shield of defense with server-side protection, enabling automatic bans and cheat blacklisting without any client update (MySQL).

Thread and Process Access Blocking: Prevent unauthorized manipulation of threads and processes, keeping cheaters at bay.

Deny Process and Thread Access: Lock down critical functions to ensure only legitimate operations are allowed, putting an end to harmful injections.

Shellcode Detection: Our system identifies and thwarts a wide range of shellcode attacks, safeguarding the integrity of your gameplay.

Violation Analysis: Instantly detect and analyze potential breaches in real-time, ensuring fair competition and a level playing field.

Dynamic Shellcode Filtering: Stay one step ahead with on-the-fly shellcode filtering, keeping malicious code out and your gaming environment secure.

Blacklisted Shellcode Recognition: Detect and block blacklisted shellcodes to halt cheating attempts and maintain a secure gaming experience.

Start Address Monitoring: Keep a vigilant watch over thread start addresses, ensuring only authorized actions take place within your gaming session.

Protected Process Memory: Safeguard your game's memory space against unauthorized modifications, thwarting even the sneakiest attacks.

Code Injection Prevention: Our Anti-Cheat system puts an end to code injection tactics, guaranteeing clean and untainted gameplay.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Currency Related //
#define __CHEQUE_SYSTEM__ /// < Cheque currency (Won) #define __GEM_SYSTEM__ /// < Gem curreny (Gaya) #define __GEM_MARKET_SYSTEM__ /// < Gem market (Gaya) #define ENABLE_NEW_PRIVATE_SHOP_SEARCH_SYSTEM
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mini Games Related //
#define __MINI_GAME_OKEY__ /// < Mini game rumi (Okey) #define __MINI_GAME_CATCH_KING__ /// < Mini game catch king
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dragon Soul Related //
#define __DS_GRADE_MYTH__ /// < Dragon soul mythical grade #define __DS_SET__ /// < Dragon soul table bonus handling #define __EXTENDED_DSS_RECHARGE__ /// < Dragon soul extended recharge #define ENABLE_DS_CHANGE_ATTR
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Costume Related //
#define __COSTUME_SYSTEM__ /// < Costume System #define __MOUNT_COSTUME_SYSTEM__ /// < Mount costume #define __ACCE_COSTUME_SYSTEM__ /// < Acce costume #define __WEAPON_COSTUME_SYSTEM__ /// < Weapon costume #define __COSTUME_ATTR_SYSTEM__ /// < Costume attributes #define __EXTENDED_COSTUME_RECHARGE__ /// < Costume extended recharge #define __HIDE_COSTUME_SYSTEM__ /// < Hide costume parts #define ENABLE_EXTENDING_COSTUME_TIME
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inventory & Equipment Related //
#define __INVENTORY_4PAGES__ /// < Extended inventory pages (4) #define __QUIVER_SYSTEM__ /// < Quiver equipement #define __SWAP_ITEM_SYSTEM__ /// < Swap items between inventory slots #define __SPECIAL_INVENTORY_SYSTEM__ /// < Special inventory #define __SORT_INVENTORY_ITEMS__ /// < Sorts all inventory items
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player, Guild, Skills Related //
#define __WJ_NEW_USER_CARE__ /// < User care #define __PLAYER_PER_ACCOUNT5__ /// < 5 players per account #define __WOLFMAN_CHARACTER__ /// < Wolfman character #define __DISABLE_WOLFMAN_CREATION__ /// < Disable Wolfman creation #define __VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP__ /// < View target decimal hp #define __VIEW_TARGET_PLAYER_HP__ /// < View target player's hp #define __GENDER_ALIGNMENT__ /// < Gender alignment (M, F) #define __GUILD_LEADER_GRADE_NAME__ /// < Shows guild leader grade name on text tail #define __7AND8TH_SKILLS__ /// < Passive 7 & 8th skills #define __IGNORE_LOW_POWER_BUFF__ /// < Ignore low power buff #define __EXPRESSING_EMOTIONS__ /// < Special actions #define __SKILL_COLOR_SYSTEM__ /// < Skill color #define __IMPROVED_LOGOUT_POINTS__ /// < Improved update packet on logout #define __SKILL_COOLTIME_UPDATE__ /// < Refresh skill cooldown after death #define __QUEST_RENEWAL__ /// < Quest page renewal #define __PLAYER_PIN_SYSTEM__ /// < Player PIN Code #define __DISABLE_PIN_SYSTEM__ #define __RANDOM_STATUS_PER_LEVEL__ /// < Random status per level (classic) #define ENABLE_EXTENDED_BATTLE_PASS /// Extended Battlepass-System by Aslan #define RESTRICT_COMMAND_GET_INFO /// GM_LOW_WIZARD #define RESTRICT_COMMAND_SET_MISSION /// GM_IMPLEMENTOR #define RESTRICT_COMMAND_PREMIUM_ACTIVATE /// GM_IMPLEMENTOR
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Item Related //
#define __ITEM_DROP_RENEWAL__ /// < Renewal of item drops with color effect #define __WJ_PICKUP_ITEM_EFFECT__ /// < Pickup item effect #define __NEW_DROP_DIALOG__ /// < New drop dialog with remove item option #define __SOUL_BIND_SYSTEM__ /// < Soul bind items #define __GACHA_SYSTEM__ /// < __BOSS_BOX__ Gacha boxes (x use time) #define __MAGIC_REDUCTION__ /// < Magic reduction item #define __STONE_OF_BLESS__ /// < Stone of bless (refinement item) #define __SOUL_SYSTEM__ /// < Soul items #define __BLEND_AFFECT__ /// < New blend affects with icon #define __EXTENDED_BLEND_AFFECT__ /// < Extended blend item affect #define __ITEM_SOCKET5__ /// < Extend item sockets #define __ANTI_EXP_RING__ /// < Anti experience ring #define __ITEM_APPLY4__ /// < Extend item apply
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Game Related //
#define __MAILBOX__ /// * Author: Blackdragonx61 / Mali #define __CHATTING_WINDOW_RENEWAL__ /// * Author: Owsap #define __MESSENGER_GM__ /// < Messenger gm list #define __MESSENGER_BLOCK_SYSTEM__ /// < Messenger block #define __MOVE_CHANNEL__ /// < Move game channel #define __12ZI_NOTICE__ /// < 12ZI mission notice (only mission notice) #define __WJ_SHOW_MOB_INFO__ /// < Show monsters level & aggressive flag #define __GUILD_DRAGONLAIR_PARTY_SYSTEM__ /// < Guild dragon lair party #define __GUILD_DRAGONLAIR__ /// < Guild dragon lair dungeon #define GUILD_DRAGONLAIR_DESTROY_STATUE_GM #define GUILD_DRAGONLAIR_LAZER_EFFECT_75HP #define GUILD_DRAGONLAIR_LAZER_EFFECT_50HP #define __TEMPLE_OCHAO__ /// < Temple of the Ochao dungeon #define __EREBUS_DUNGEON__ /// < Erebus dungeon #define __SKILLBOOK_COMB_SYSTEM__ /// < Skill book combination #define __PET_SYSTEM__ /// < Pet system #define __PRIVATESHOP_SEARCH_SYSTEM__ /// * Author: Blackdragonx61 / Mali #define __SHOPEX_RENEWAL__ /// < ShopEX renewal #define __SHOPEX_TAB4__ /// < ShopEx 4 tabs #define __CHANGE_LOOK_SYSTEM__ /// < Change look of item #define __MOUNT_CHANGE_LOOK__ /// < Change look of mount #define __DICE_SYSTEM__ /// < New dice system #define __SEND_TARGET_INFO__ /// < Monster target information #define __SEND_TARGET_ELEMENT__ /// < Target element #define __ELEMENT_SYSTEM__ /// < Elements of monsters and pendants #define __PENDANT_SYSTEM__ /// < Talismans of elements #define __DUNGEON_INFO_SYSTEM__ /// < Dungeon informations #define __EXTENDED_ITEM_AWARD__ /// < Extended item award #define __MULTI_LANGUAGE_SYSTEM__ /// < Multi language #define __EXTENDED_WHISPER_DETAILS__ /// < Extended whisper details #define __REFINE_FAIL_TYPE__ /// < Extended refine fail message #define __CHANNEL_STATUS_UPDATE__ /// < Channel player count #define __9TH_SKILL__ /// < Conqueror of Yohara #define __WJ_SHOW_PARTY_ON_MINIMAP__ /// < Show party member on atlas #define __BINARY_ATLAS_MARK_INFO__ /// < Enable atlas mark info from client #define __PARTY_PROFICY__ /// < Party proficy passive skill #define __PVP_COUNTDOWN__ /// < PvP duel countdown #define __EVENT_BANNER_FLAG__ /// < Game event banner flags #define __ENVIRONMENT__ /// < System environment #define __MYSHOP_DECO__ /// < Private shop decoration #define __GLOVE_SYSTEM__ /// < Glove equipement #define __EXTENDED_RELOAD__ /// < Extended GM reload commands (for drops) #define ENABLE_ALIGN_RENEWAL /// < Align bonuses
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Network Related //
#define __IMPROVED_PACKET_ENCRYPTION__ /// Improved Packet Encryption #define __UDP_BLOCK__ /// < UDP Block #define __DISABLE_SEND_SEQUENCE__ /// < Disable sequence #define __ALLOW_EXTERNAL_PEER__ /// < Allow external peer API #define __HWID_DETAILS__ /// < HWID #define ENABLE_ANTI_LOGIN_BRUTEFORCE #define ENABLE_HWID_SYSTEM #define __IMPROVED_HANDSHAKE_PROCESS__ #define ENABLE_PORT_SECURITY #define __KGO_ACP_PROTECTION__ #define __ENABLE_WAIT_HACK_COUNTER__ #define __FIX_PRO_DAMAGE__
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Other Systems //
#define __OFFLINE_PRIVATE_SHOP_SYSTEM__ /// Offline private shop #define __OFFLINE_SHOP_PID_MAP_GUESTS__ /// Use pid for save informations about guest players #define __ENABLE_PREMIUM_MEMBERS__ /// Premium members system #define __PRIVATE_SHOP_SEARCH_SYSTEM__ /// Search private shop items #define __PRIVATE_SHOP_SEARCH_NEED_ITEM__ /// Require special search item #define __NEW_PRIVATE_SHOP_SEARCH_SYSTEM__ /// new private shop search #define USE_ITEM_CLAW_AS_DAGGER /// < Dagger as claw bonus #define ENABLE_ANTI_CMD_FLOOD /// < Random status per level (classic) #define __AUTO_HUNT__ /// < Auto-hunt @Dracarys #define DISABLE_EXP_ON_BOOK_READ /// < no exp for books #define ENABLE_ANTI_LOGIN_BRUTEFORCE /// < temp ban for abusing login #define __SERVICE_OWSAP__ /// < owsap service #define __NEW_PASSIVE_SKILLS__ /// < New passive skills #define ENABLE_ATLAS_BOSS /// < Boss on atlas #define ENABLE_MAP_TELEPORTER /// < Teleport System #define ENABLE_ANTI_EXP /// < Anti_exp #define ENABLE_EVENT_MANAGER /// < EventManager @DracaryS #define __WORLD_BOSS_YUMA__ /// < Worldboss @Yuma #define ENABLE_STONES_STACKFIX /// < fix stack stnes #define ENABLE_BOOKSRENEWAL /// books read/left to read #define ENABLE_GUILD_ATTR /// Guild bonuses #define ENABLE_SPECIAL_DROP_CHAT /// < Drop chat #define PET_ATTACK /// < Attacking pets #define ENABLE_RENEWAL_AFFECT_SHOWER /// < Affect shower @DracaryS #define __SKILL_MUYEONG_DAMAGE_WHILE_RIDING__ /// Fix Skill #define PERM_ORE /// Permanent ores #define PROTECTIEDB /// Protection check sql #define FLY_SYSTEM /// Fly System #define RREGEN /// Better regen #define ENABLE_PARTY_BOUNS /// Party bonus #define ENABLE_GUILD_REQUEST /// Guild request @ DracaryS #define FIX_DELETE_GUILD_WAR #define __MISSION_BOOKS__ /// Mission books renewal @ DracaryS #define ENABLE_ENTITY_PRELOADING /// Preload all npcs/mobs in map to prevent micro freezes when meeting a new entity @Amun #define TOPG #define PET_LV /// petdmg by lever #define BL_AUTOMATIC_OXEVENT /// Ox event @ blackdragon #define ENABLE_KILL_STATISTIC /// Guild request fixed by made by @DracaryS

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